Cristian Fiori

Cristian Fiori

  • -European Association of Urology (EAU),
  • -European Association of UroTechnology (ESUT) [chair of Lower Urinary Tract group)]
  • “Società Italiana di Endorurologia” (Italian Society of Endourology) (IEA) [Chief of Scientific Committee]
  • “Società Italiana di Urologia “ (Italian Society of Urology) (SIU),
  • He performed the full variety of endoscopic surgery of lower and upper urinary tract
  • He has a significant experience in endoscopic, laser based prostate surgery
  • He performed (operator or supervisor) more than 400 SWL and a significant number endoscopic and percutaneous procedures (such as semirigid or flexible ureteroscopy  and PNL) developing a robust experience in the management of urinary stones
  • He has a huge experience in robotic and laparoscopic surgery (he participated in more than 2000 interventions)
  • His scientific activity is documented by more than 230 scientific publications (“full paper), available at The main fields of interest are: endoscopy, uro- oncology and laparoscopy.
  • His H-index is 40
  • His total citations are >4900
  • He is Associate Editor of Minerva Urologica and Nefrologica, the most important Italian Journal of Urology and Nephrology (IF 3.5)
  • He is Associate Editor of BMC Urology